7 Tools to Elevate Your Google Ads Performance as a DTC Brand

To grow with Google Ads as a direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand can be challenging. Leveraging the right tools can significantly enhance your Google Ads campaigns. In this blog we outline 7 ways you can use tools to streamline, automate and improve your Google Ads account.

1. Comparison Shopping Site (CSS): ProductHero, BigShopper

Using a CSS like ProductHero or BigShopper allows your products to appear in Google Shopping at a lower cost as you are eligible for a 20% CPC discount. It also improves your products visibility as your products appear on the CSS websites as well. the CPC discount ensures cost saving and improved efficiency. A must for all advertisers using Google Shopping.

2. SPOT (Single Point of Truth) Dashboard: TripleWhale

A SPOT dashboard, such as TripleWhale, consolidates data from various marketing channels into one unified platform. This integration provides a holistic view of performance metrics across different media, facilitating data-driven decisions and more efficient campaign management since everyone looks at the same data.

3. Optimization Tools: TrueClicks, Adalysis

Tools like TrueClicks and Adalysis are vital for auditing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. These tools are much faster then if you were to do these checks manually. They scan your ads for potential improvements, flag issues that may affect performance, and suggest actionable adjustments. This could mean fewer wasted clicks and more effective budget use.

4. Feed Management for Shopping Ads: Channable, ChannelEngine

Effective feed management is crucial for your Google Shopping and Performance Max results. Feed management tools such as Channable and ChannelEngine help automate the process of optimizing product feeds across multiple platforms, ensuring your ads always feature up-to-date.

5. Consent Mode V2: CookieBot

With the increasing importance of data privacy, especially in the EU, Consent Mode V2 and CMP’s (Cookie Management Platform) like CookieBot ensure that your website and tracking complies with privacy regulations like GDPR. They help manage user consents and adapt the functionality of tracking tags based on these preferences, safeguarding user privacy while maintaining data integrity.

6. Server-Side Tagging: TAGGRS.IO

TAGGRS.IO enables server-side tagging, a method that sends data from a server rather than directly from a user’s browser. This approach enhances data security, improves page load times, and reduces the risk of ad-blocking impacts on data collection, ultimately leading to more reliable and robust data analytics.

7. Profitmetrics: Optimizing for POAS

Profitmetrics is a tool designed to optimize your campaigns towards Profit instead of Revenue (POAS instead of ROAS), a crucial metric for DTC brands. By focusing on the profitability of ad campaigns rather than just revenue, Profitmetrics can help adjust bidding strategies based on real-time profit calculations, driving more efficient and profitable advertising outcomes.

Questions or need help with your ad campaigns?

We are here to help. We specialize in multi-channel performance marketing. Need help or want to work with us? Schedule a discovery call with to see how we can help you maximize your ad performance. Contact us today to get started!


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